Setting the Pace

Setting the pace for a family vacation can be difficult, especially when your family is a mix of go-go-go, chill-by-pool, and I-can't-people-today.    That's my family.  We all enjoy trips, and of course, we all compromise, but ultimately each person needs to have time to do their thing.  

As a mom, I have learned over the years to identify the signs of who needs downtime, who needs alone time, and when everyone is ready to jump all into a day full of activities.

As a travel agent, I talk with my clients before anything else happens. Its important to get the feel for the people going on their trip, and sometimes they don't even know themselves.  A conversation helps bring things to light - like is your family on the go all the time, heavy into sports and dance? Or do you tend to spend weekends on a hike? Or geocaching in a new city?  

Plan your vacation days to give downtime to the people who need it, but maybe plan some alternate activities for the "go-go" members who will be frustrated at sitting around.  The trick is to balance this with making sure that the people needing down time are not feeling left out. As an example, on a recent trip, our daughter needed some downtime, so she enjoyed some alone time in our suite, while my husband and I headed out to the pool for a little while.  We all felt like we were enjoying our time, and no one felt left out. 

Having an amusement park day adds an extra level of complication to this process.  Families tend to push the energy level to the max, feeling like they want the most park time for their dollar. But if you're paying for a resort while you're at the park, make the most of your hotel dollar as well and take a mid day break. If you're only at a park for the day, enjoy a shady seat, ice cream, and a show, or  if your kids are little, find a parents room where you can cool off with your little ones and even let them nap.

Setting the right pace for your group can make or break a vacation.  Talk to your travel agent about your family's energy level and vacation style at the start of your planning and be confident that your next trip will be great!


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